Monday, September 10, 2007

First Time

This is my first blog and right now I'm wondering what I'm doing. I have never been good at journaling and now I'm attempting to journal in public. Some how this is not making much sense to me but my wife thinks I ought to try it. I thought long and hard about what to name my blog (five minutes is about the extent of my attention span and any thinking is hard) and came up with Fools Gold. I Thought about Gyms Gems But that sounded a little pretentious. Then it occured to me that my thoughts would probably come closer to fool gold than gems so I thought: Sounds good and appropriate. So here it is, my first blog Can someone tell me how you get spell check on this thing?)


Arlene Kasselman said...

Woohoo Jim! I am the first comment on your blog....I am so excited you have come over to the dark side!!!!
And now we have yet another avenue to harrass each other.

Angie Bruce said...

Hooray! Welcome to the wonderful (and sometimes creepy...ahem Arlene) world of blogging! =)