Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Change of Script?

A group of us went to lunch together Sunday and were talking about different things and one of the group mentioned something along the lines that teachers in each country had their own script. He went on to explain that different cultures have different scripts that they go by when teaching their young. From that we went to the fact that each church has it's own script that it goes by. I'm not sure what the conversation was about after that because my mind started racing through so many things because the idea that we live our lives through scripts that are layed out by society, our upbringing and other such factors. Take work for instance, there is a certain script there, the company I work for has been through several mergers and several things have been done to change things to "Best Practice" what really happened is maybe a slight shift in the way we do things at the upper levels but on a local basis the script remains the same with slight adjustments for changes in people. New people adjust to the script and the script continues with only very slight changes. I find this to be true at church and also in Sunday school class.
Class has gotten to the point, for me; not everyone, that I know who is going to say what to any given situation. I've grown very tired of this because class for me is a constant rehash of the same things with no changes. The lack of changes extends to me too by the way. I'm not sure yet what to do about this but I really want a change of script.The script issue also raises it's ugly head in me personally. I act and react to the same script all the time and I've found that I am tired of my personal script too! As I explore my depression and the reasons for it I realize I really dislike some of the things about me. These things have written my script and I am finding that it is really not a very good script and I need to have it redone with some major changes. I know that these changes can only come through self discovery and Gods help and I really seek both although at times they are very disturbing and extremely overwhelming. I also wonder about the script we use to do church and I wonder if it leaves any room for God. I seriously doubt that it leaves room for the Holy Spirit. I'm not sure what to do about these scripts but I do know that my pesonal script has to be the first to change. But I really, really want a change of script in several areas of my life.

1 comment:

Arlene Kasselman said...

Wow Jim, these are rich and insightful words. Thanks for sharing.
I love you.