Monday, August 18, 2008

Hope: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

My wife and my daughter went to see my son Sunday (he is in prison), my son and daughter had a blowup at each other about three quarters of the way through the visit. It was very emotional for my wife. The worst part was going home and my daughter saying that her brother will never change. When they got home my wife told me everything and we both broke down and cried a while. You see society as a whole has given up on my son. Laws have been passed that will make it even harder for him when he gets out. Because of those laws I doubt that he has much of a chance staying out. He has been sentenced for a crime, that he did, given a sentence, but when he finishes that sentence he will continue to be punished whether he has changed or not. Society is not the only ones that have given up on him, people we know and family have given up on him.
They still care about him but they see no chance for change. Statistics say that after five years of incarceration most people have no more contact with the outside world. All of this got me to thinking, if it hurts me so bad when someone gives up hope for my son how much does it hurt God when we as Christians give up on one of His children. How does He feel when we turn away from one of His. How often I have hurt and continue to hurt my Father.

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