Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rut Revisited

Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought that by my saying I felt like I was cheating would anyone think that I thought Arlene or Angela were "hitting on me".
My cheating feelings were my own and noone elses. So Arlene I didn't think you were hitting on me, you have much better taste than that. I have Elaine because I caught her on the rebound, I accept that and am gratful for it but believe me I live under no illusions. But I am grateful because it made me revisit those feelings. I had looked forward to getting home all day because I wanted to see if I had any comments. I realize now that the feelings of cheating were awarning from the Spirit, no not that I was going to cheat but that I can be inclined to abusing good things and making them bad. While blogging in itself is not a bad thing, it's cheaper than therapy although I prefer both, it can be if I let it control me. I can sit down with an encyclopedia an get lost for hours(does that qualify for 0-creepy Angela?)so I can easily let things control me. I had anticipated blogging all day, it controled me. I guess it could be written of as anticipation of something new but because of my tendencies I have to be careful and I am thankful for the warning.


Arlene Kasselman said...

Wow Jim, this really spoke to me. I am the same way and in fact sometimes have to force myself not to check my blog or anyone else's.
I do think some of it is the "newness" of the experience, but I also recognize the tendency in myself to become overly focused on something.

What is really weird to me is that I have developed some friendships through blogging and facebook with some people who I saw every week at church but did not really know. These are fascinating times we live in and often wonder what my grandparents would have thought about how we do life nowdays. My Yiddish grandmother would started with "Oy" followed by something smart aleky , no doubt.

And just so you know, having that encyclopedia confession out there is going to bring all sorts of comments from your gracious friends. I have always wondered how you had so much general knowledge and trivia facts about such a wide array of topics. Now I get it.

Angie Bruce said...

Encyclopedias have very little, if any, creepy factor. Nerdy factor, perhaps, but not creepy. =) And I really can't say all that much, as I was the teeny tiny kid who brought the encyclopedia to people to read it to her. It's true. What can I say?