Thursday, January 3, 2008

Stumbling over the presence of God

There was a time in my life when I read a lot. I would read up to four books a week.
When I started reading Christian literature I found a book mention several times by different authors, it was called "Practicing the presence of God". Just the title interested me so I finally bought a copy. I still have that copy and as yet I have not made it through it. I've made several attempts but I just can't make it. I have discovered that I just can't get through several books that people consider Christian classics. I'm not sure why that is but it doesn't really matter. the title of the book "Practicing the presence of God" was what got me thinking and going. I found that when I practice the presence of God, really acting and believing that He is right beside me and that I have His full attention at all times that my life is truly peaceful and joyful. I found the Bibles admonition to pray continuously to just be a natural part of my life because I was talking to God about anything and everything. I wish I had continued to practice His presence but some how I let that practice fall into disuse. But God is always faithful (Semper Fi), He continues to trip me up and whisper in my ear so that I will notice His presence. I continually stumble over the presence of God.

1 comment:

Arlene Kasselman said...

I think I stumbled over the presence of God as I saw you serve the Bruce's this week.